Full Stack DevOps Engineer with 7+ years of experience. I love to build highly scalable SaaS products.
Hard working and responsible person, always ready to take
calculated risks.
Always eager to learn, implement new things and
thrives to build things which are useful to society.
The most sophisticated digital asset platform to manage all your crypto strategies through a single interface and seamless workflows
What I do:
Handling devOps requirements on all fronts,
working primarily on uptime/maintenance/up-gradation of high frequency trading platform (HFT).
Collaborating with multiple teams to better understand and architecting the solutions around HFT.
Building and managing CI/CD on Jenkins and ArgoCD.
Automating infra creation & setup on AWS with Terraform and Ansible.
Securing the infrastructure with best DevSecOps practices.
Indian built leading social media and video platforms with over 350M monthly active users in total.
What I do:
Handling devOps requirements of all products.
Collaborating with multiple teams, devs & leads and architecting
the solution.
Managing microservices in more than 150+ GKE
Building & managing CI/CD pipeline on Jenkins &
Integrating various monitoring solutions for GKE clusters.
Optimizing GCP resources cost, redis database optimizations.
Setting up long-term metrics retention using ES.
Disaster recovery & management using terraform as IAC
Rentomojo provides a platform for the customers to get furniture and electronics on monthly rent. Providing serivces in more than 15+ major Indian cities.
What I do:
Working on Back-end web platform, building & managing CI/CD pipeline on CircleCI.
managing Kubernetes cluster hosted on AWS using KOPS.
Integrated Istio as service mesh for kubernetes cluster.
Integrating various monitoring solutions for both cluster and Database.
Optimizing AWS resources cost.
Architecting tech stack for
new products and requirements & Database Optimizations.
Building highly scalable SaaS platform for developers to prototype, build and publish voice applications for Amazon Alexa, Google Assistant, Microsoft Cortana etc.
What I do:
Handling complete End-to-End web platform,
integrating CI/CD pipeline, managing Docker swarm cluster hosted
on Microsoft Azure cloud.
AreteCode technologies have SaaS product named School Sandesh. It's a web and mobile based communication channel for school. It aims to minimize the communication gap between the School and Parents.
What I do:
Handled complete Front End Application part of
product's web portal and leading a team of 3 software
I had successfully completed many full projects and few minor modules based on the customer requirements. I have been using mainly LAMP Stack to build simple to complex as well as elegant web applications.